About Us

About Us

J & J Auto Sales was established in 1995. As time passed, we began to learn more about the used car industry and automobile recovery. Today we can say that 75% of our inventory consists of salvage vehicles. We buy directly from the auto insurance industry and select the best vehicles to rebuild. We rebuild them back to their original condition and resell them below the market value. In the year 2000, we acquire Hoffman Auto Body Repair, which was established in 1975, and on the same property, we operate J & J Auto Sales One.
Most of our customers come from the voice to voice of each of them and the vehicles we sell are our best brand. There are many ups and downs when buying a salvaged car, for us everything is reduced to the nature of the person. Today we have sold more than 7,000 cars without a single judicial incident. Our future depends on what we do in the present.